19 Kasım 2009 Perşembe
18 Kasım 2009 Çarşamba
Atatürkün İlkeleri İngilizce
1. Republicanism
2. Nationalism
3. Populism
4. State Control
5. Secularism
6. Progressivism
Contemporary sense, it can be classified as:
1. Individual freedom and national sovereignty
2. Guidance for all activities of state science and the wisdom to accept
Atatürk My Heritage "as the quote
This is all included in the Republican regime should not be forgotten on the basis of progressivism 'Secularism is one of the Policy. As usual traditions, as well as a society between secular progressivism directed and creates a foundation to talk about Republicanism.
Western languages by the term itself is used to describe a nation's rules. Following two points are really important in the Republican regime.
a) Rulers
b) Secrecy
Main point of both groups must be honest. As a Republican regime, honesty is very important for both parties with each other on both sides of the relationship is very important. This way, the republic's strict measures with the principles of the republic with limited internal and external threats against his defense said. In this framework should be overrun. Otherwise, a gap between the Republic and the nation occurs. In this case, the biggest sufferer will be the Republic itself. Every time a republican regime, therefore, have to be smart. Freedom and democracy in the country's rules and practices of this system is limited to Kabul. No one managed by the republic's democratic rights are unlimited. Rights regimes are not limited to provisions and laws can not be classified as democracies or republics. Democracy and public freedoms and individual rights law, with limited democratic republic borders are marked with justice.
After all these descriptions of the state's Republic and Atatürk's understanding Let's take a look. About three-quarters of the century about the republic, Atatürk mentioned before points are still targeting some Western countries. A soldier and a future view of Atatürk can only knowledgeable but also a true statesman who had thought. That idea is not created just for them to salvation and the Third World countries, indicating the road to independence was noticed. He still is not as modern scientific ideas will remain the place after all these years was that? If the name of Ataturk in many countries, therefore the search must be in search of freedom circulates.
How Atatürk's cross which was proclaimed on October 29, 1923 to prepare the structure of the republic do?
Republic must be based on secular principles. There remains room for and the Republic of the Caliphate, or a fair legal system must be protected by the new state was. Independence and freedom of the Republic, but for the younger generation widely noticed by the dark, thinking that they will be trained by instructors limit export-minded people.
Her empire-era will have been destroyed outside of logic and the foundations of the republic will be based on positive sciences. Saving measures in the republic of Atatürk actually only future, and this place later confirmed the view of how events continue with Atatürk was not aware. Ataturk, without his knowledge and awareness towards a population as a nation, a nation in proportion to the level of his consciousness.That saints based on culture and education so that rights and laws will have to be calculated, and this marks a culture defined the basic foundation of the republic. According to Atatürk, a republic is not sufficient to protect. That should be us! This training is an important element. This requirement can be calculated for the younger generation of contemporary education. For this reason, the victory achieved by the sword with victory culture must be replaced.
For a nation of the people of Turkey by Ataturk changed from being a religious community. Nation Atatürk had unlimited confidence. That idea, not with each revolution Nation Nation will get even defended. Adapted by each innovation forever Nation Inancını only one would be it. Who the country's borders as a "Turkey" in his determination to keep repeating "and" Turkish nation will be said to represent the Nation.
Sovereignty belongs unconditionally nation will
Power, external or internal forces that seized the nation by the hand, it would be possible. Nations needed to sacrifice their lives will be trained.
A society without class's true!
This term, by Atatürk was cleared as follows: "which we follow the state rule, individual diligence and effort, but the topics relevantly the nation's high and the public benefits depends simultaneously on the same is based. Especially in the economic field, the state must be immediately economic measures can be included in return. Populism and the State Control This based on two semesters of a modern social democracy, under which conditions States Justiceand Many of today's terminology, are equal.
Period of Religious Affairs and state separation is defined as a Turkish non-reversible point and needs a revolution to democracy. After this brief description, Ataturk's ideas of religion and science relevant to wait for the signs. Religious ideas related to a very noble and sincere members of religious organizations were not different. He was not an opponent of religion. He believed that religion is necessary for the public, but law, logic, instead was against religion and mentality. O religion, fundamentalists and those who opposed the superstitious traders, and rule with the public wanted. Religion is a sacred concept, a person's conscience in the eclipse happened. Setting off with these ideas
January 31, 1923 also stated:
"Our religious is one of the most natural and logical, and therefore the end of this religion. In order for a religion must cooperate is to be natural for the science, knowledge and logic and var. Our religion completely the appropriate prerequisites. On, we on the secular state and religion separate but everyone, without intervention of the state do anything about religion does not mean to be defined. In addition, the State power of any belief system can be used for. In this case those who believe in freedom of conscience and non-believers will be obliterated. "
Undeveloped in order to avoid a total disposal for Atatürk was aware of a very big problem. For him, every contemporary attempt to include the principle of secularism had. Sultanate, the caliphate, sharia, religious education and capitulations had to be obliterated. People's ideas about themselves and their environment are partially beliefs form and partly INFORMATION create.
A path illuminated by the light of science Progressivism it was necessary to walk on by the idea of Ataturk.
2. Nationalism
3. Populism
4. State Control
5. Secularism
6. Progressivism
Contemporary sense, it can be classified as:
1. Individual freedom and national sovereignty
2. Guidance for all activities of state science and the wisdom to accept
Atatürk My Heritage "as the quote
This is all included in the Republican regime should not be forgotten on the basis of progressivism 'Secularism is one of the Policy. As usual traditions, as well as a society between secular progressivism directed and creates a foundation to talk about Republicanism.
Western languages by the term itself is used to describe a nation's rules. Following two points are really important in the Republican regime.
a) Rulers
b) Secrecy
Main point of both groups must be honest. As a Republican regime, honesty is very important for both parties with each other on both sides of the relationship is very important. This way, the republic's strict measures with the principles of the republic with limited internal and external threats against his defense said. In this framework should be overrun. Otherwise, a gap between the Republic and the nation occurs. In this case, the biggest sufferer will be the Republic itself. Every time a republican regime, therefore, have to be smart. Freedom and democracy in the country's rules and practices of this system is limited to Kabul. No one managed by the republic's democratic rights are unlimited. Rights regimes are not limited to provisions and laws can not be classified as democracies or republics. Democracy and public freedoms and individual rights law, with limited democratic republic borders are marked with justice.
After all these descriptions of the state's Republic and Atatürk's understanding Let's take a look. About three-quarters of the century about the republic, Atatürk mentioned before points are still targeting some Western countries. A soldier and a future view of Atatürk can only knowledgeable but also a true statesman who had thought. That idea is not created just for them to salvation and the Third World countries, indicating the road to independence was noticed. He still is not as modern scientific ideas will remain the place after all these years was that? If the name of Ataturk in many countries, therefore the search must be in search of freedom circulates.
How Atatürk's cross which was proclaimed on October 29, 1923 to prepare the structure of the republic do?
Republic must be based on secular principles. There remains room for and the Republic of the Caliphate, or a fair legal system must be protected by the new state was. Independence and freedom of the Republic, but for the younger generation widely noticed by the dark, thinking that they will be trained by instructors limit export-minded people.
Her empire-era will have been destroyed outside of logic and the foundations of the republic will be based on positive sciences. Saving measures in the republic of Atatürk actually only future, and this place later confirmed the view of how events continue with Atatürk was not aware. Ataturk, without his knowledge and awareness towards a population as a nation, a nation in proportion to the level of his consciousness.That saints based on culture and education so that rights and laws will have to be calculated, and this marks a culture defined the basic foundation of the republic. According to Atatürk, a republic is not sufficient to protect. That should be us! This training is an important element. This requirement can be calculated for the younger generation of contemporary education. For this reason, the victory achieved by the sword with victory culture must be replaced.
For a nation of the people of Turkey by Ataturk changed from being a religious community. Nation Atatürk had unlimited confidence. That idea, not with each revolution Nation Nation will get even defended. Adapted by each innovation forever Nation Inancını only one would be it. Who the country's borders as a "Turkey" in his determination to keep repeating "and" Turkish nation will be said to represent the Nation.
Sovereignty belongs unconditionally nation will
Power, external or internal forces that seized the nation by the hand, it would be possible. Nations needed to sacrifice their lives will be trained.
A society without class's true!
This term, by Atatürk was cleared as follows: "which we follow the state rule, individual diligence and effort, but the topics relevantly the nation's high and the public benefits depends simultaneously on the same is based. Especially in the economic field, the state must be immediately economic measures can be included in return. Populism and the State Control This based on two semesters of a modern social democracy, under which conditions States Justiceand Many of today's terminology, are equal.
Period of Religious Affairs and state separation is defined as a Turkish non-reversible point and needs a revolution to democracy. After this brief description, Ataturk's ideas of religion and science relevant to wait for the signs. Religious ideas related to a very noble and sincere members of religious organizations were not different. He was not an opponent of religion. He believed that religion is necessary for the public, but law, logic, instead was against religion and mentality. O religion, fundamentalists and those who opposed the superstitious traders, and rule with the public wanted. Religion is a sacred concept, a person's conscience in the eclipse happened. Setting off with these ideas
January 31, 1923 also stated:
"Our religious is one of the most natural and logical, and therefore the end of this religion. In order for a religion must cooperate is to be natural for the science, knowledge and logic and var. Our religion completely the appropriate prerequisites. On, we on the secular state and religion separate but everyone, without intervention of the state do anything about religion does not mean to be defined. In addition, the State power of any belief system can be used for. In this case those who believe in freedom of conscience and non-believers will be obliterated. "
Undeveloped in order to avoid a total disposal for Atatürk was aware of a very big problem. For him, every contemporary attempt to include the principle of secularism had. Sultanate, the caliphate, sharia, religious education and capitulations had to be obliterated. People's ideas about themselves and their environment are partially beliefs form and partly INFORMATION create.
A path illuminated by the light of science Progressivism it was necessary to walk on by the idea of Ataturk.
Atatürkün Hayatı İngilizce
O in 1881 in Salonika, then an Ottoman city, now Greece was born. His father Ali Riza, a customs officer, turned timber merchant, died when Mustafa was still a child. Zübeyde mother, a devout and strong-willed woman, raised him and his sister. First, the traditional religious schools transition to a modern Mustafa soon. In 1893, it is the second name Kemal him his math teacher, it means excellence, recognition of young Mustafa's superior achievement has entered a military high school. He then was known as Mustafa Kemal.
1881 a day, a boy in a pink house Ahmet Subaşı, Thessaloniki today within the borders of the Greek city, was born in the open.
His father, Ali Rıza whispered the name of her child's ear. "MUSTAFA."
Mustafa ago, and Ali Riza Bey's three children Zübeyde Lady Fatma, Ömer and Ahmet were called. When Mustafa was born none of these children lived.
Lady Anne is a beautiful Turkmen woman strictly Zübeyde Hanım Zübeyde religious ancestors separated beliefs.The known as a branch of the Turkmen tribes had. Rumelia by the Ottomans from Anatolia to Rumelia during the conquest of West Makedonia in migration and Sarıgöl parish in the west region Vodina settled. This is the tribe or in Konya in Anatolia from Aydin province is considered.
His father and his father Ali Riza Efendi Salonika was a resident. Uncle Hafiz Ahmet Efendi, a teacher at the school district, Red Hafiz Efendi as was his nickname because of his red beard.
Time, his father Ali Rıza was working as a customs officer. Then exit and timber merchant partnership with Cafer Efendi. Also was interested in trading for a while brine. Ali Rıza passed away at a young age 47. What Ali Riza Bey den Zübeyde two mecidiyes (40 Kurus) idow salary, 7-year-old Mustafa and his sister were Makbule.
Father Mustafa started school life. Ali Riza Bey's request, her new-so despite a traditional school Zübeyde Hanim was taught with a prayer and divine wanted to join him would you like to receive a modern education guru was to send Mustafa Efendi school opened. Arguments in the family and in the end, so a compromise was reached. Mustafa on his brand new clothes to put that in the Qur'an and traditional embroidered bags seized started school, his mother's wish following a traditional ceremony accompanied with hymns and prayers. However, a few days later, changed his mind and started school guru Lord.
In this way, he managed to make both Ladies and Ali Riza Bey Zübeyde happy. Mustafa Kemal, father of the modern and contemporary ideas for who paved the way for his son and that was supposed to owe him. However, unfortunately, Ali Riza Bey, the son will not be able to see the success of Mustafa "RISING SUN OVER ANATOLIA LIKE."
Appear in November 1893 because of economic difficulties Ali Riza Bey's death, the remaining family members made it impossible to live Thessaloniki. Thus, Rapla Zübeyde Hanim by farm near Salonika where her mother Ayşe Lagkadas Hanim Hussein's half-brother began working as a network representative. Ladies and children but Mustafa Hussein Agha Zübeyde long time I did not want to stay on the farm looked good.
Get a good education and Ambition HIS BE WAS a great man
A secondary school officials decision Salonika where Mustafa began to return was made. However, things were not good. One day, that the heavy teacher "Kaymak Hafiz Efendi" because there was a fight with his classmates were punished by. In addition, an ongoing dispute other teachers "Çopur Hafiz Nuri Efendi" and was. All these events took him over furiosity and made him quit school. This event was a turning point in his life. It's actual location decisions: to choose the military did.
I think it is impossible to separate the nation and the armed forcess. When the nation falled into trouble, the armed forces, state and nation have helped.
Armed forces at any time in the history of the Turks has been a cornerstone of state and nation.
Short time (1893) Mustafa Kemal then military middle school, his friends and teachers sign up for self-acceptance was provided. He was hardworking and intelligent dignifed. In particular, in the field of Mathematics he was unique. All teachers were admired him. His math teacher had a special status in view. Commander of the capabilities of his students Lietunant, characher and amazed with diligence.
One day, Lietunant Commander teacher Mustafa Mustafa said the citation.
Son, we both have the same name. Should be a difference as your name Mustafa Kemal, then allow. Years later gave him a better name. Namer, this time of the Turkish nation is high. Dear ATATÜRK surname as a savior. Military high school in 1896, Mustafa Kemal enrolled to the monastery. War Academy in Istanbul on March 13, 1899, and while there enrois is February 10, 1902 he graduated a bright lieutanant. While his father Kemal Mustafe a souvenir from the war with a sword, leaving school, May 27, 1938 Friday night as a look back and passed in front of every year, memories are looking into his eyes in front of the dark period was late for the last time was in Ankara farewelling. With one difference, the first time, his eyes shining in the future with hope and desire, but the grief of people it carried out the obligations of peace, they were looking for a second time. Currently, according to his own desire Warfare soldiers since his childhood by enrolling graduated. Now the time has come for him. Kissed his mother's hand and took her blessings. Mustafa Kemal was the state school officer, his mother Zübeyde Hanim Efendi Ragıp name, a person married. In the first days Mustafa Kemal, could not accept this marrige and her distant relative, his mother left the house Rukiye Hanim went home. Stepfather until he determines good and innocent people like that feeling continues. Probably because his mother against mother dissapointment without prior notification because of his marrige great loyality father Ali Riza Bey, his spirit of rebellion is to wave generation perhaps. Conditions regardless of what happened that time, good relations with his stepfather estabished over time. Mustafa Kemal, as a very successful war with Academy, graduated from private staff officer class. From the War Academy in Istanbul on January 11, 1905 Staff training for staff officers, he graduated with the rank of Captain after completing three years successfully. The same day, back of the photo sent to his mother wrote the following words. You remember "I told WAIT TO BE MOTHER AND WILL DO. HEREIN FIRST STEP. Mustafa Kemal," COUNTRY When Mustafa Kemal, was graduated from Military Academy OF situation of the country was in miserable condition. Namik Kemal's patriotic poem's language in the country and the nation's elvery favorite was wandering like a sad song. "The enemy of Nations against breast leaned his dagger, that no one by this country since Mustafa Kemal at his dark fortune" to save there "said a Damascus" has established an association and freedom of country. "This relationship aims to spread, but to find the Damascus and the environment adaquate was not possible. Jaffa, Jerusalem, Beirut. Order in the Third Army in Macedonia, which I tried to assign these associations to spread. Mustafa Kemal, with the Third Army on September 30, 1907 at the Balkans Rego had a responsibility is assigned. Major Enver this army, and each had two meetings had a chat and often, in Thessaloniki. bodness and as talkative Enver Mustafa Kemal was a lot of Slient and introvert, as long romance Enver Mustafa Kemal was relastic. Enver dreams, Mustafa Kemal, advanced solutions and suggestions, even those assignments amoungts friends, but this assignment, a decorated mind, plans for the future the results were not the result makes. Example: a cold winter night in 1908, a small coffee-house in Thessaloniki at the end of his assignment, while a primeminister and other ministers, it's a childhood best friends Nuri (CONKER) asked to appoint their friends to engage in dim light is illuminated.-Okey Kemal, then what? answer brief and clear, no one seems to expect.-I 'll you this is one slot assignment to be. July 23, 1908 revolution led to Anwar Was way swap. He promoted within a very short time and in 1913 was awarded the rank of general. July 23, 1908 Revolution, a revolution of "Young Turks" and the young officers are now. This is not a rebellion, was a revolution. July 23, 1908 revolution, the basic and creation of states based on the system had no effect. Sultanade protection on the Ottoman Empire and became an institution here. struggies cruel for a while, and the overall victory, with Mustafa Kemal's promotion to the rank of Gallipoli, Suvla, Dumlupınar, Kocatepe also won. This is perhaps Enver Pasha and Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the biggest difference between the no. These two idealistic bath at Tripoli in 1911 against the Italian resistance movement organized a major. out they returned to Istanbul after the Balkan War broke. Duration Enver Pasha, serving in the army, Mustafa Kemal, the military in Sofia attachés appointed as the war continued when finished. There, the first World War, as was started. at the time of war but the war will not be accepted for a task starts applied. (February 2, 1915), the newly formed 19th Division located in Tekirdag as commander assigned later. Mustafa Kemal, in a short time he held the division and Maydos passed. February 15, 1915 date Çanakkale wars begin. Since the first days of Mustafa Kemal, his command with the right forces in the war. The enemy forces attacked with full power of the March 18, 1915 on the sea has lost the war. But, ro Alied forces from the ground shot while trying to reach Istanbul desire. a grief case is April 25, 1915 morning. grovernment Ottoman general staff area and Aegan sea and through the direction of Gallipoli will be welded to the attack did not think about. Also in such a situation is not ready. But Mustafa Kemal enemy dead from Anzac landing a position with compa may begin, to the point estimate and Kocaçimen moved the 57th Regiment under the command. Mustafa Kemal o 27 division troops and monitors Conkbayırı retraiting Conkbayırı to come to when he cut in front of them and asks-Where are you going?-Enemy has arrived.-Where? Withdrawn 261 soldiers with peak height. In fact, the enemy up the hill in front of any obstacle, such as approaching from. There, Mustafa Kemal and no one, two officers and several soldiers outside retraiting had. He Kocaçimen procession still takes place. immediately took over command and orders.-No enemy step back.-We are not ammunition.-what more ammunition, a bayonet is more powerful.-attacked Bayonets! now on the plains ALLAH ALLAH scatter sound after all. Now the hero Turkey to the military's throat throat contest. This is the amount of time fighting as a result and the 57th Regiment, has reached the battlefield was gained. Mustafa Kemal's orders on the following morning, 10 am proud of the 57th Regiment, a dominant presence again. "ATTACK BUT I Die size ORDERING PM. TILL WE DIE ANOTHER TIME CAN TAKE forces and commanders our place .. AHEAD IN OVER! "War, Turkey was won by Army. Complately martyred 57th Regiment, however. On June 1, 1925 Mustafa Kemal promoted to full colonel. In spite of this defeat. Anafartalar Allied forces landed 6 / August 7 evening again. Severe war began. Mustafa Kemal , who is the newly pver Anafartalar Group took over command of the enemy August 10 during the war, heavy casualties caoused. Conkbayırı on the ground that the enemy has blocked placement. British forces commander Hamilton in his book, the following lines writes "Gallipoli Battles" "really fought bravely screams ALLAH ALLAH WITH THE TURKS. THERE with words ", repeated coups TELL Although this war is no way the British defense forces could not pass line and unique Mehmetçik honorable commander Mustafa Kemal and the Dardanelles failed to pass was established by. Çanakkale from their December 20, 1915 on withdrawal began. British author Alan Moorhead in his book describes this retraite "Gallipoli" is as follows. there for the Allied forces in history is one of the most painful blows "O young and even the chief of Turkey's being there." In Canakkale, we Mehmetçik 251,309 British and Anzac forces in loss suff 47,000 brakeman suffered losses to 205,000. Then on the outcome of the Gallipoli battle, he returned to Istanbul, Mustafa Kemal, head XVI appointed as military commander based in Edirne. (March 11, 1916). in a short time II named a new army is assigned the task after this. erzurum before the Russian Army on the Army nd. Mustafa Kemal, XVI Army on March 26, 1916 on March 16, 1916 in Diyarbakir after the arrivel took cammand. Mustafa Kemal Rank General on April 1, 1916 for the promotion. 's short, a topic relevant to this promotion Let's look. Çanakkale Victory to the rank of General, after Mustafa Kemal's promotion was considered a sure thing. However, the weeks passed despite news came from Constantinople. In the end, the Union of Mustafa Kemal to begin promotion and development session headquartes negotiations under the chairmanship of the Talaat Pasha, Enver Pasha room, out of his pocket a sheet of paper takes and officials who speak different topic for discussion after the walk: "You have more four-star general would like to Mustafa Kemal, I do not know, he never satisfied with your degree, a general three-star general as it wants to be. four-star generals, Marshall wants to be an area that would be better. "In later years, when these discussions Mustafa Kemal those quotes were reviewed." I never thought could Enver Mustafa Kemal Genaral to the rank of April 1, 1916 on upgrading and such a smart man, a visionary future and XVI corps commander under the II comes to be. Mus and Bitlis in the Army against the Russians won two major victories. I II appointed as deputy commander. Army. Here, o) Bey, he Thesalloniki and Army personnel from Scholl chance to know closely Colonel Ismet (İnönü was forced to work. (May 23, 1916) Mustafa Kemal, was an Army report about the conditions and top army and government as the deputy commander of these are submitted. Report Deputy commander Enver Pasha, not accepted by the idea. because of this incident he resigned his position as he returned to Istanbul. He is in Istanbul , the preparations prior to the German Germany to Istanbul in exchange for the Emperor's visit Vahdettin thon to send heir were going for. In the meantime, Mustafa Kemal, Vahdettin must come together to decide. Germany Mustafa Kemal return from there after his patient's kidneys. June 1918 and July, in Vienna, Karbad were under treatment. This Mehmed died during Vahdettin prince succeeded him. Mustafa Kemal returned to Istanbul and the Sultan Vahdettin 5.08.1918 closely Germany during those found in known visit to be paid to him clearly and take action as necessary describing the visit of the country and simuation Follo wing words that closed meeting. "Now the Chief of the Armed Forces will take over. assing a lawyer is not a top manager as af the armed forces. First thing you and domination over the Armed Forces to establish possesorship." Sultan Vahdettin asked Army-there are other commanders As you think?-Yes No Vahdettin left to right roll their eyes over this asnwer. Answers "Let us consider this." Then Mustafa Kemal talks to two more times at this meeting of the Sultan, but no results Vahdettin wins. The third meeting of the day to book wrote the following. "Here is some cross-Haji a man who knows him under the armpit var. Now for something different, but look out for the season without granting time to scare anyone." After this incident, Mustafa Kemal, VII to Syria as commander of the army of Sultan on August 7, 1918 order was given. This assignment is the purpose of awards and Istanbul, Mustafa Kemal take him away? In days prior to this deficit will be. Contact Mustafa Kemal point events as Let lived. Mustafa Kemal's homework while ordering, chamber lfts. Some German officers and the Balkan War veterans were chatting in the hallway. was heard: "This is no use sorders Turkey, they are like herd animals. only to run away, I know. God to anyone .... so soulless herd of Mustafa Kemal, the commander may be required to approach them. Gazez eyes to flames of anger which this very over the full star generals speaks: "Because this brave Turkish soldiers instead of you walking freely in the interior of the herd mimic a short time ago. What Pitty, the Turkish military for the BRAVE Anzac, Gallipoli, Conkbayiri sacrified his life at Gallipoli. Otherwise, today English and French officers will be saluting. Turkish soldiers briefly what happened and you will uncover. "star general with a lot of Mustafa Kemal, you do not know him near a public-Who is this?-MUSTAFA KEMAL PASHA. lefts like Mustafa Kemal immediately Istanbul and then in front of a very troubled journey came to Syria. Ismet (Inönü) and Ali Fuat Bey (Cebesoy) was also here. for the purpose of these three major fronts commander in Damascus in Syria with Turkish soldiers to perform a superhuman act, to win victory Saria Valley, Aleppo , Istanbul. But this time, the enemy only in English and French soldiers was not merely. So Muslims urged Arab Sheiks and chief's Allien joined forces. Hejaz and supervisors thristy Turkey became blood. Turkey army was surrounded all directions and forces to retreat. IV Army and was surrounded complately disbanded . But still, the army under the command of Mustafa Kemal dates of 25/26 October 1918 until today the border with Syria without suffering significant losses were withdrawn. the war was almost over. Ottoman Empire, with severe conditions, 30 October 1918 Armistice Armistice was signed. On the same day Mustafa Kemal, in Adana from Liman von Sanders Thunderbolt Army Group took over the command. Mondros Rauf (Orbay) Bey by October 30, 1918, signed on why the cease-fire declaration in French, English, Italian and Anatolian Greks hundred years, which under Turkey Regin, ready to be delivered is a shame and disgrace was a document. with this document. In addition, this cease-fire on Mustafa Kemal's cause, such as the sun from Samsun in the country and nation for asve. who does not work on conditions, but Mustafa Kemal, the vague expressions full of never accept these conditions armistise shapes as a man . the Ottoman Empire after the defeat and Mondros armistise, diverse and execuation Ottoman territories in the minority against the empire was removed. consistof Christans people and the Islams hundred years since peasefully who are hostile to each other. Pontus Greeks in the Black Sea region have settled the action which Fatih Sultan Mehmet was destroyed by their state began to establish. Organize rebel groups and the Turkish village life of the inhabitants of Turkey, and possession threatening attacks began. when in fact this is the English army, that the high commission Christans the life of the Black Sea region, and troops under the threat may be sent to the region said the invasion was necessary. o how the real purpose of English is to investigate claims and counter-measures have to send people decided english to investigate the accusations. For this task, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the SAMSUN IX Army investigators that the political background and a clear relationship was not sent "the Union" movement. Haydarpasa side from then on to Istanbul ship November 13, 1918 came last time, Allied naval forces to pass, and his assistant told me-de-camp Cevat Abbas "back the way they'll go as they" arrived in Istanbul and while the efforts as they happen to put the idea to perform. However, while time passes, then in Istanbul to the country in any way to rescue saw. He Searchin steps to Anatolia was a chance. When the Inspector General of Army duty IX him, did not hesitate to offer. May 16, 1919 day, then on May 19, 1919 How to recover my people have been will be Twillight plan landed in Samsun in his mind was ready. Bosporus and water on the advancing enemy periods while warships looked with sadness that the board of patriotic friends with a few Mustafa Kemal Bandirma vessels quoted worn out places for Dolmabahçe has directed weapons. "That is it, just LEAN power WEAPON , steel and iron. One thing is THEY KNOW materials. They can not UNDERSTAND ones WHO ARE DETERMINED LIBERTY POWER To Die For. ANADOLU WHAT WE IS NOT FOR WEAPON NOR AMMUNITON design ". WE IDEAL and beliefs are stones." LANDING Samsun Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the following May 19, 1919 misty morning and the comments made after this date for the "talk" about 7:00 stopped passing, I landed at Samsun on May 19, 1919. Was this case. "Power of Government, including the Ottman was defated group. Ottoman army was crushed every front. One Armistice severe under the circumstances had been signed. Great War elongation tired of people had left and the poor. ensalutis people and World War II into the country have driven, and there was fied, but now nothing for their own security maintenance. Vahdettin, its people and the throne to save some inferiority in search path Was wood and degenerate occupants of the Caliphate, his anxiety only objects. Damat Ferid Pasha, the head of the cabinet, weak, dishonorable and cowardly. O Sultan alone submit to the will and sovereing members of this and could protect her proposal was accepted. Army arms and ammuition , and this situation has been continued. Entente Powers cease-fire conditions necessary for recpect did not condiser. on various pretexts, their meof-war and soldiers remained in Istanbul. Vilayet by Adana was occupied by French, Urfa, Maras, Antep by the British. Antalya and Itallians in Konya, Samsun Merzifon and while there were in there were English soldiers. officiers and foreign officials and special agents are very active everywhere. At May 14, above, to say the following account of events to an end four days before start, the Greek Army the Entente power with the consent of Izmir were also download. Christian elements in the entire country was at work or openly or hidden, and their specific desires to perform therebly States hurry when failures. Mustafa Kemal in his speech was quoted contuining. moral and material clearly and the country itself in the Ottoman Empire attacking the enemy Powers were. they break into pieces, and both were determined annihilite. Sultan-Caliph-that their own lives to save and comfort one was concerned. The government members had the same feeling. without notice as the nation now, this way there was any, but in the dark and with hesitation lived, what to see standing by. ensalutis clearly some wherebly every him and her inspired feelings surrounding circumstances under the guidance of the country to recover is demand had terror and disaster extent undestand began. Army, only the name is available. Commanders and other officials still tired from the war caused the problem I had. hearts of the countries threatened dismemberment because there was bleeding. This is their eyes in front gawned dark abyss on the brink of standing, they put at risk a way to find racked brains. You should add a very important and explain a point. Nation and all the Sultan-Caliph's betrayal was no doubt nd Army. on the contrary, religious and traditional accounts of relations board they remained faithful for centuries to give and it's occupants. Independence means that this tradition under the influence of the caller, the Caliphate and the Sultanate's security its own security for them much more. This country is probably from the caliph, and may have been saved Padisah without an impossible idea was to understand them. as those who think otherwise, to dare to woe! As men without faith and without such patriotism, were Scorned and hab want loked down upon immediately it would be. Here, another point we need to mention., Special of the Great Powers - Britain, France and Italy irritating to prevent significant as was adopted to save the state looking for ways as a. Thought that even that almost everbody powers and in his mind had taken root it was impossible struggle. Consuquently, so and so another war to think about bringing the Ottoman Empire, the all-powerful Germany and Austria-Hungary was defeated together and groomed on like pure madness would be looked after. people will just strain her audience as a thought, but at the same time their elected leaders share the same opinion as was to be accepted. Ise a way to salvation Seaching For this reason, two basic eye, first against the hostile attitude is not Padisah forces and the second for the royal allies and diligently base will be a period of caliphate. Now, what to ask Mr. decision will ask for the liberation of this kind under the circumstances could have come. Being required to save it? And who With the help? And how. Therefore, what may be serious and the right solution? THIS CIRRUMSTANCES, possible to create a RESOLUTION ALONE, ie, WAS. NEW TURKISH GOVERNMENT, WHICH sovereignty and may be accepted without hesitation INDEPENDENCE. that before we left Istanbul and we execute immediately after we Anatolian soil set foot in Samsun began to accept resolution we are now. This is the most powerful and most reasonable resolution of its supporting arguments had. main point of the Turkish nation of honor and dignity must have been to. Such a situation only by coplete independence can be achieved. how rich and prosperous country, If It's OF IT independence is no longer OTHERWISW REGARDED AS A Slave FOR FOREIGN civilized in the eyes of the world right now is lacking. auspices of a foreign power to accept all human qualities, weakness and lack of incipacity is to accept. Indeed, who willingiy accept a foreign master humilated yet people imagine it is not possible. BUT TWO TURKISH honorable and proud, but also capable and talented. Such a nation SUBJECT WOULD RATHER Perish preferred TI IYSELF than a slave for life. Therefore, independence or death! this everyone honest countries to recover a desired assembly was screaming. us for a moment suppose that we had failed to accomplish work. The result would be what? Slavery! If another proposal was to be presented in this case, as a result would not be the same? Mustafa Kemal, in his speech following quotation; But with this difference that a nation of Independence in his struggle, death brings the victim thought her people with dignity to make the expenditure from the comfort of drivers. No doubt, both friends and enemies in the eyes during the more prestigious position it would be a world what matter he is a coward and deterioration of the nation of slavery, oppression and self-delivery capacity. Ottoman dynasty care and their independence is dominant on the Turkish nation great harm to download it would be all kinds of sacrifices in the price could be a safe addition to labor, as it could not be so secure as the Sultanate is available. How allowed these Madmen crowd, nor the country or as a whole and a national spiritual moral ties are still united and the nation and the dignity of the state to protect its independence could be trusted to be acceptable? Caliphate when it comes, only the eyes of the civilized world, the joy of science favors a laughing-stock could be . As a result, Mustafa Kemal was telling. So far, in practice, I knew one thing for our resolution to carry out as you can see people with questions to be addressed was. This requirement is open to the public debate to be discussed were considered dangerous questions. We are against the Ottoman government for the rebellion against the Sultan Caliph was forced against all Mohammedans, and we as a rebel nation state and the army had to make. Mustafa Kemal arrived in Samsun on May 19, 1919 who, for Basin May 25, 1919 June 12, the same day went to Amasya and 21 on June 1919 "Amasya "circular came up to continue to work had been signed landed. But, Mustafa Kemal Pasha and the country's international efforts to Istanbul and Istanbul government and the British forces, not satisfied with the performance for deteeted works. Mustafa Kemal Pasha to Sivas on June 27, 1919 came and compassion and enthusiasm were met with. At the same time as Ali Galip Malatyagoverner instructions from Istanbul to Sivas according recevied ordered the arrest of Mustafa Kemal arrived. meeters But the majority of Anzac, Suvla, Gallipoli wounded fighting under the discharge of soldiers again, Mustafa Kemal's command. While this arrest of Mustafa Kemal to be patriotic to amoungst was possible?
O in 1881 in Salonika, then an Ottoman city, now Greece was born. His father Ali Riza, a customs officer, turned timber merchant, died when Mustafa was still a child. Zübeyde mother, a devout and strong-willed woman, raised him and his sister. First, the traditional religious schools transition to a modern Mustafa soon. In 1893, it is the second name Kemal him his math teacher, it means excellence, recognition of young Mustafa's superior achievement has entered a military high school. He then was known as Mustafa Kemal.
1881 a day, a boy in a pink house Ahmet Subaşı, Thessaloniki today within the borders of the Greek city, was born in the open.
His father, Ali Rıza whispered the name of her child's ear. "MUSTAFA."
Mustafa ago, and Ali Riza Bey's three children Zübeyde Lady Fatma, Ömer and Ahmet were called. When Mustafa was born none of these children lived.
Lady Anne is a beautiful Turkmen woman strictly Zübeyde Hanım Zübeyde religious ancestors separated beliefs.The known as a branch of the Turkmen tribes had. Rumelia by the Ottomans from Anatolia to Rumelia during the conquest of West Makedonia in migration and Sarıgöl parish in the west region Vodina settled. This is the tribe or in Konya in Anatolia from Aydin province is considered.
His father and his father Ali Riza Efendi Salonika was a resident. Uncle Hafiz Ahmet Efendi, a teacher at the school district, Red Hafiz Efendi as was his nickname because of his red beard.
Time, his father Ali Rıza was working as a customs officer. Then exit and timber merchant partnership with Cafer Efendi. Also was interested in trading for a while brine. Ali Rıza passed away at a young age 47. What Ali Riza Bey den Zübeyde two mecidiyes (40 Kurus) idow salary, 7-year-old Mustafa and his sister were Makbule.
Father Mustafa started school life. Ali Riza Bey's request, her new-so despite a traditional school Zübeyde Hanim was taught with a prayer and divine wanted to join him would you like to receive a modern education guru was to send Mustafa Efendi school opened. Arguments in the family and in the end, so a compromise was reached. Mustafa on his brand new clothes to put that in the Qur'an and traditional embroidered bags seized started school, his mother's wish following a traditional ceremony accompanied with hymns and prayers. However, a few days later, changed his mind and started school guru Lord.
In this way, he managed to make both Ladies and Ali Riza Bey Zübeyde happy. Mustafa Kemal, father of the modern and contemporary ideas for who paved the way for his son and that was supposed to owe him. However, unfortunately, Ali Riza Bey, the son will not be able to see the success of Mustafa "RISING SUN OVER ANATOLIA LIKE."
Appear in November 1893 because of economic difficulties Ali Riza Bey's death, the remaining family members made it impossible to live Thessaloniki. Thus, Rapla Zübeyde Hanim by farm near Salonika where her mother Ayşe Lagkadas Hanim Hussein's half-brother began working as a network representative. Ladies and children but Mustafa Hussein Agha Zübeyde long time I did not want to stay on the farm looked good.
Get a good education and Ambition HIS BE WAS a great man
A secondary school officials decision Salonika where Mustafa began to return was made. However, things were not good. One day, that the heavy teacher "Kaymak Hafiz Efendi" because there was a fight with his classmates were punished by. In addition, an ongoing dispute other teachers "Çopur Hafiz Nuri Efendi" and was. All these events took him over furiosity and made him quit school. This event was a turning point in his life. It's actual location decisions: to choose the military did.
I think it is impossible to separate the nation and the armed forcess. When the nation falled into trouble, the armed forces, state and nation have helped.
Armed forces at any time in the history of the Turks has been a cornerstone of state and nation.
Short time (1893) Mustafa Kemal then military middle school, his friends and teachers sign up for self-acceptance was provided. He was hardworking and intelligent dignifed. In particular, in the field of Mathematics he was unique. All teachers were admired him. His math teacher had a special status in view. Commander of the capabilities of his students Lietunant, characher and amazed with diligence.
One day, Lietunant Commander teacher Mustafa Mustafa said the citation.
Son, we both have the same name. Should be a difference as your name Mustafa Kemal, then allow. Years later gave him a better name. Namer, this time of the Turkish nation is high. Dear ATATÜRK surname as a savior. Military high school in 1896, Mustafa Kemal enrolled to the monastery. War Academy in Istanbul on March 13, 1899, and while there enrois is February 10, 1902 he graduated a bright lieutanant. While his father Kemal Mustafe a souvenir from the war with a sword, leaving school, May 27, 1938 Friday night as a look back and passed in front of every year, memories are looking into his eyes in front of the dark period was late for the last time was in Ankara farewelling. With one difference, the first time, his eyes shining in the future with hope and desire, but the grief of people it carried out the obligations of peace, they were looking for a second time. Currently, according to his own desire Warfare soldiers since his childhood by enrolling graduated. Now the time has come for him. Kissed his mother's hand and took her blessings. Mustafa Kemal was the state school officer, his mother Zübeyde Hanim Efendi Ragıp name, a person married. In the first days Mustafa Kemal, could not accept this marrige and her distant relative, his mother left the house Rukiye Hanim went home. Stepfather until he determines good and innocent people like that feeling continues. Probably because his mother against mother dissapointment without prior notification because of his marrige great loyality father Ali Riza Bey, his spirit of rebellion is to wave generation perhaps. Conditions regardless of what happened that time, good relations with his stepfather estabished over time. Mustafa Kemal, as a very successful war with Academy, graduated from private staff officer class. From the War Academy in Istanbul on January 11, 1905 Staff training for staff officers, he graduated with the rank of Captain after completing three years successfully. The same day, back of the photo sent to his mother wrote the following words. You remember "I told WAIT TO BE MOTHER AND WILL DO. HEREIN FIRST STEP. Mustafa Kemal," COUNTRY When Mustafa Kemal, was graduated from Military Academy OF situation of the country was in miserable condition. Namik Kemal's patriotic poem's language in the country and the nation's elvery favorite was wandering like a sad song. "The enemy of Nations against breast leaned his dagger, that no one by this country since Mustafa Kemal at his dark fortune" to save there "said a Damascus" has established an association and freedom of country. "This relationship aims to spread, but to find the Damascus and the environment adaquate was not possible. Jaffa, Jerusalem, Beirut. Order in the Third Army in Macedonia, which I tried to assign these associations to spread. Mustafa Kemal, with the Third Army on September 30, 1907 at the Balkans Rego had a responsibility is assigned. Major Enver this army, and each had two meetings had a chat and often, in Thessaloniki. bodness and as talkative Enver Mustafa Kemal was a lot of Slient and introvert, as long romance Enver Mustafa Kemal was relastic. Enver dreams, Mustafa Kemal, advanced solutions and suggestions, even those assignments amoungts friends, but this assignment, a decorated mind, plans for the future the results were not the result makes. Example: a cold winter night in 1908, a small coffee-house in Thessaloniki at the end of his assignment, while a primeminister and other ministers, it's a childhood best friends Nuri (CONKER) asked to appoint their friends to engage in dim light is illuminated.-Okey Kemal, then what? answer brief and clear, no one seems to expect.-I 'll you this is one slot assignment to be. July 23, 1908 revolution led to Anwar Was way swap. He promoted within a very short time and in 1913 was awarded the rank of general. July 23, 1908 Revolution, a revolution of "Young Turks" and the young officers are now. This is not a rebellion, was a revolution. July 23, 1908 revolution, the basic and creation of states based on the system had no effect. Sultanade protection on the Ottoman Empire and became an institution here. struggies cruel for a while, and the overall victory, with Mustafa Kemal's promotion to the rank of Gallipoli, Suvla, Dumlupınar, Kocatepe also won. This is perhaps Enver Pasha and Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the biggest difference between the no. These two idealistic bath at Tripoli in 1911 against the Italian resistance movement organized a major. out they returned to Istanbul after the Balkan War broke. Duration Enver Pasha, serving in the army, Mustafa Kemal, the military in Sofia attachés appointed as the war continued when finished. There, the first World War, as was started. at the time of war but the war will not be accepted for a task starts applied. (February 2, 1915), the newly formed 19th Division located in Tekirdag as commander assigned later. Mustafa Kemal, in a short time he held the division and Maydos passed. February 15, 1915 date Çanakkale wars begin. Since the first days of Mustafa Kemal, his command with the right forces in the war. The enemy forces attacked with full power of the March 18, 1915 on the sea has lost the war. But, ro Alied forces from the ground shot while trying to reach Istanbul desire. a grief case is April 25, 1915 morning. grovernment Ottoman general staff area and Aegan sea and through the direction of Gallipoli will be welded to the attack did not think about. Also in such a situation is not ready. But Mustafa Kemal enemy dead from Anzac landing a position with compa may begin, to the point estimate and Kocaçimen moved the 57th Regiment under the command. Mustafa Kemal o 27 division troops and monitors Conkbayırı retraiting Conkbayırı to come to when he cut in front of them and asks-Where are you going?-Enemy has arrived.-Where? Withdrawn 261 soldiers with peak height. In fact, the enemy up the hill in front of any obstacle, such as approaching from. There, Mustafa Kemal and no one, two officers and several soldiers outside retraiting had. He Kocaçimen procession still takes place. immediately took over command and orders.-No enemy step back.-We are not ammunition.-what more ammunition, a bayonet is more powerful.-attacked Bayonets! now on the plains ALLAH ALLAH scatter sound after all. Now the hero Turkey to the military's throat throat contest. This is the amount of time fighting as a result and the 57th Regiment, has reached the battlefield was gained. Mustafa Kemal's orders on the following morning, 10 am proud of the 57th Regiment, a dominant presence again. "ATTACK BUT I Die size ORDERING PM. TILL WE DIE ANOTHER TIME CAN TAKE forces and commanders our place .. AHEAD IN OVER! "War, Turkey was won by Army. Complately martyred 57th Regiment, however. On June 1, 1925 Mustafa Kemal promoted to full colonel. In spite of this defeat. Anafartalar Allied forces landed 6 / August 7 evening again. Severe war began. Mustafa Kemal , who is the newly pver Anafartalar Group took over command of the enemy August 10 during the war, heavy casualties caoused. Conkbayırı on the ground that the enemy has blocked placement. British forces commander Hamilton in his book, the following lines writes "Gallipoli Battles" "really fought bravely screams ALLAH ALLAH WITH THE TURKS. THERE with words ", repeated coups TELL Although this war is no way the British defense forces could not pass line and unique Mehmetçik honorable commander Mustafa Kemal and the Dardanelles failed to pass was established by. Çanakkale from their December 20, 1915 on withdrawal began. British author Alan Moorhead in his book describes this retraite "Gallipoli" is as follows. there for the Allied forces in history is one of the most painful blows "O young and even the chief of Turkey's being there." In Canakkale, we Mehmetçik 251,309 British and Anzac forces in loss suff 47,000 brakeman suffered losses to 205,000. Then on the outcome of the Gallipoli battle, he returned to Istanbul, Mustafa Kemal, head XVI appointed as military commander based in Edirne. (March 11, 1916). in a short time II named a new army is assigned the task after this. erzurum before the Russian Army on the Army nd. Mustafa Kemal, XVI Army on March 26, 1916 on March 16, 1916 in Diyarbakir after the arrivel took cammand. Mustafa Kemal Rank General on April 1, 1916 for the promotion. 's short, a topic relevant to this promotion Let's look. Çanakkale Victory to the rank of General, after Mustafa Kemal's promotion was considered a sure thing. However, the weeks passed despite news came from Constantinople. In the end, the Union of Mustafa Kemal to begin promotion and development session headquartes negotiations under the chairmanship of the Talaat Pasha, Enver Pasha room, out of his pocket a sheet of paper takes and officials who speak different topic for discussion after the walk: "You have more four-star general would like to Mustafa Kemal, I do not know, he never satisfied with your degree, a general three-star general as it wants to be. four-star generals, Marshall wants to be an area that would be better. "In later years, when these discussions Mustafa Kemal those quotes were reviewed." I never thought could Enver Mustafa Kemal Genaral to the rank of April 1, 1916 on upgrading and such a smart man, a visionary future and XVI corps commander under the II comes to be. Mus and Bitlis in the Army against the Russians won two major victories. I II appointed as deputy commander. Army. Here, o) Bey, he Thesalloniki and Army personnel from Scholl chance to know closely Colonel Ismet (İnönü was forced to work. (May 23, 1916) Mustafa Kemal, was an Army report about the conditions and top army and government as the deputy commander of these are submitted. Report Deputy commander Enver Pasha, not accepted by the idea. because of this incident he resigned his position as he returned to Istanbul. He is in Istanbul , the preparations prior to the German Germany to Istanbul in exchange for the Emperor's visit Vahdettin thon to send heir were going for. In the meantime, Mustafa Kemal, Vahdettin must come together to decide. Germany Mustafa Kemal return from there after his patient's kidneys. June 1918 and July, in Vienna, Karbad were under treatment. This Mehmed died during Vahdettin prince succeeded him. Mustafa Kemal returned to Istanbul and the Sultan Vahdettin 5.08.1918 closely Germany during those found in known visit to be paid to him clearly and take action as necessary describing the visit of the country and simuation Follo wing words that closed meeting. "Now the Chief of the Armed Forces will take over. assing a lawyer is not a top manager as af the armed forces. First thing you and domination over the Armed Forces to establish possesorship." Sultan Vahdettin asked Army-there are other commanders As you think?-Yes No Vahdettin left to right roll their eyes over this asnwer. Answers "Let us consider this." Then Mustafa Kemal talks to two more times at this meeting of the Sultan, but no results Vahdettin wins. The third meeting of the day to book wrote the following. "Here is some cross-Haji a man who knows him under the armpit var. Now for something different, but look out for the season without granting time to scare anyone." After this incident, Mustafa Kemal, VII to Syria as commander of the army of Sultan on August 7, 1918 order was given. This assignment is the purpose of awards and Istanbul, Mustafa Kemal take him away? In days prior to this deficit will be. Contact Mustafa Kemal point events as Let lived. Mustafa Kemal's homework while ordering, chamber lfts. Some German officers and the Balkan War veterans were chatting in the hallway. was heard: "This is no use sorders Turkey, they are like herd animals. only to run away, I know. God to anyone .... so soulless herd of Mustafa Kemal, the commander may be required to approach them. Gazez eyes to flames of anger which this very over the full star generals speaks: "Because this brave Turkish soldiers instead of you walking freely in the interior of the herd mimic a short time ago. What Pitty, the Turkish military for the BRAVE Anzac, Gallipoli, Conkbayiri sacrified his life at Gallipoli. Otherwise, today English and French officers will be saluting. Turkish soldiers briefly what happened and you will uncover. "star general with a lot of Mustafa Kemal, you do not know him near a public-Who is this?-MUSTAFA KEMAL PASHA. lefts like Mustafa Kemal immediately Istanbul and then in front of a very troubled journey came to Syria. Ismet (Inönü) and Ali Fuat Bey (Cebesoy) was also here. for the purpose of these three major fronts commander in Damascus in Syria with Turkish soldiers to perform a superhuman act, to win victory Saria Valley, Aleppo , Istanbul. But this time, the enemy only in English and French soldiers was not merely. So Muslims urged Arab Sheiks and chief's Allien joined forces. Hejaz and supervisors thristy Turkey became blood. Turkey army was surrounded all directions and forces to retreat. IV Army and was surrounded complately disbanded . But still, the army under the command of Mustafa Kemal dates of 25/26 October 1918 until today the border with Syria without suffering significant losses were withdrawn. the war was almost over. Ottoman Empire, with severe conditions, 30 October 1918 Armistice Armistice was signed. On the same day Mustafa Kemal, in Adana from Liman von Sanders Thunderbolt Army Group took over the command. Mondros Rauf (Orbay) Bey by October 30, 1918, signed on why the cease-fire declaration in French, English, Italian and Anatolian Greks hundred years, which under Turkey Regin, ready to be delivered is a shame and disgrace was a document. with this document. In addition, this cease-fire on Mustafa Kemal's cause, such as the sun from Samsun in the country and nation for asve. who does not work on conditions, but Mustafa Kemal, the vague expressions full of never accept these conditions armistise shapes as a man . the Ottoman Empire after the defeat and Mondros armistise, diverse and execuation Ottoman territories in the minority against the empire was removed. consistof Christans people and the Islams hundred years since peasefully who are hostile to each other. Pontus Greeks in the Black Sea region have settled the action which Fatih Sultan Mehmet was destroyed by their state began to establish. Organize rebel groups and the Turkish village life of the inhabitants of Turkey, and possession threatening attacks began. when in fact this is the English army, that the high commission Christans the life of the Black Sea region, and troops under the threat may be sent to the region said the invasion was necessary. o how the real purpose of English is to investigate claims and counter-measures have to send people decided english to investigate the accusations. For this task, Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the SAMSUN IX Army investigators that the political background and a clear relationship was not sent "the Union" movement. Haydarpasa side from then on to Istanbul ship November 13, 1918 came last time, Allied naval forces to pass, and his assistant told me-de-camp Cevat Abbas "back the way they'll go as they" arrived in Istanbul and while the efforts as they happen to put the idea to perform. However, while time passes, then in Istanbul to the country in any way to rescue saw. He Searchin steps to Anatolia was a chance. When the Inspector General of Army duty IX him, did not hesitate to offer. May 16, 1919 day, then on May 19, 1919 How to recover my people have been will be Twillight plan landed in Samsun in his mind was ready. Bosporus and water on the advancing enemy periods while warships looked with sadness that the board of patriotic friends with a few Mustafa Kemal Bandirma vessels quoted worn out places for Dolmabahçe has directed weapons. "That is it, just LEAN power WEAPON , steel and iron. One thing is THEY KNOW materials. They can not UNDERSTAND ones WHO ARE DETERMINED LIBERTY POWER To Die For. ANADOLU WHAT WE IS NOT FOR WEAPON NOR AMMUNITON design ". WE IDEAL and beliefs are stones." LANDING Samsun Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the following May 19, 1919 misty morning and the comments made after this date for the "talk" about 7:00 stopped passing, I landed at Samsun on May 19, 1919. Was this case. "Power of Government, including the Ottman was defated group. Ottoman army was crushed every front. One Armistice severe under the circumstances had been signed. Great War elongation tired of people had left and the poor. ensalutis people and World War II into the country have driven, and there was fied, but now nothing for their own security maintenance. Vahdettin, its people and the throne to save some inferiority in search path Was wood and degenerate occupants of the Caliphate, his anxiety only objects. Damat Ferid Pasha, the head of the cabinet, weak, dishonorable and cowardly. O Sultan alone submit to the will and sovereing members of this and could protect her proposal was accepted. Army arms and ammuition , and this situation has been continued. Entente Powers cease-fire conditions necessary for recpect did not condiser. on various pretexts, their meof-war and soldiers remained in Istanbul. Vilayet by Adana was occupied by French, Urfa, Maras, Antep by the British. Antalya and Itallians in Konya, Samsun Merzifon and while there were in there were English soldiers. officiers and foreign officials and special agents are very active everywhere. At May 14, above, to say the following account of events to an end four days before start, the Greek Army the Entente power with the consent of Izmir were also download. Christian elements in the entire country was at work or openly or hidden, and their specific desires to perform therebly States hurry when failures. Mustafa Kemal in his speech was quoted contuining. moral and material clearly and the country itself in the Ottoman Empire attacking the enemy Powers were. they break into pieces, and both were determined annihilite. Sultan-Caliph-that their own lives to save and comfort one was concerned. The government members had the same feeling. without notice as the nation now, this way there was any, but in the dark and with hesitation lived, what to see standing by. ensalutis clearly some wherebly every him and her inspired feelings surrounding circumstances under the guidance of the country to recover is demand had terror and disaster extent undestand began. Army, only the name is available. Commanders and other officials still tired from the war caused the problem I had. hearts of the countries threatened dismemberment because there was bleeding. This is their eyes in front gawned dark abyss on the brink of standing, they put at risk a way to find racked brains. You should add a very important and explain a point. Nation and all the Sultan-Caliph's betrayal was no doubt nd Army. on the contrary, religious and traditional accounts of relations board they remained faithful for centuries to give and it's occupants. Independence means that this tradition under the influence of the caller, the Caliphate and the Sultanate's security its own security for them much more. This country is probably from the caliph, and may have been saved Padisah without an impossible idea was to understand them. as those who think otherwise, to dare to woe! As men without faith and without such patriotism, were Scorned and hab want loked down upon immediately it would be. Here, another point we need to mention., Special of the Great Powers - Britain, France and Italy irritating to prevent significant as was adopted to save the state looking for ways as a. Thought that even that almost everbody powers and in his mind had taken root it was impossible struggle. Consuquently, so and so another war to think about bringing the Ottoman Empire, the all-powerful Germany and Austria-Hungary was defeated together and groomed on like pure madness would be looked after. people will just strain her audience as a thought, but at the same time their elected leaders share the same opinion as was to be accepted. Ise a way to salvation Seaching For this reason, two basic eye, first against the hostile attitude is not Padisah forces and the second for the royal allies and diligently base will be a period of caliphate. Now, what to ask Mr. decision will ask for the liberation of this kind under the circumstances could have come. Being required to save it? And who With the help? And how. Therefore, what may be serious and the right solution? THIS CIRRUMSTANCES, possible to create a RESOLUTION ALONE, ie, WAS. NEW TURKISH GOVERNMENT, WHICH sovereignty and may be accepted without hesitation INDEPENDENCE. that before we left Istanbul and we execute immediately after we Anatolian soil set foot in Samsun began to accept resolution we are now. This is the most powerful and most reasonable resolution of its supporting arguments had. main point of the Turkish nation of honor and dignity must have been to. Such a situation only by coplete independence can be achieved. how rich and prosperous country, If It's OF IT independence is no longer OTHERWISW REGARDED AS A Slave FOR FOREIGN civilized in the eyes of the world right now is lacking. auspices of a foreign power to accept all human qualities, weakness and lack of incipacity is to accept. Indeed, who willingiy accept a foreign master humilated yet people imagine it is not possible. BUT TWO TURKISH honorable and proud, but also capable and talented. Such a nation SUBJECT WOULD RATHER Perish preferred TI IYSELF than a slave for life. Therefore, independence or death! this everyone honest countries to recover a desired assembly was screaming. us for a moment suppose that we had failed to accomplish work. The result would be what? Slavery! If another proposal was to be presented in this case, as a result would not be the same? Mustafa Kemal, in his speech following quotation; But with this difference that a nation of Independence in his struggle, death brings the victim thought her people with dignity to make the expenditure from the comfort of drivers. No doubt, both friends and enemies in the eyes during the more prestigious position it would be a world what matter he is a coward and deterioration of the nation of slavery, oppression and self-delivery capacity. Ottoman dynasty care and their independence is dominant on the Turkish nation great harm to download it would be all kinds of sacrifices in the price could be a safe addition to labor, as it could not be so secure as the Sultanate is available. How allowed these Madmen crowd, nor the country or as a whole and a national spiritual moral ties are still united and the nation and the dignity of the state to protect its independence could be trusted to be acceptable? Caliphate when it comes, only the eyes of the civilized world, the joy of science favors a laughing-stock could be . As a result, Mustafa Kemal was telling. So far, in practice, I knew one thing for our resolution to carry out as you can see people with questions to be addressed was. This requirement is open to the public debate to be discussed were considered dangerous questions. We are against the Ottoman government for the rebellion against the Sultan Caliph was forced against all Mohammedans, and we as a rebel nation state and the army had to make. Mustafa Kemal arrived in Samsun on May 19, 1919 who, for Basin May 25, 1919 June 12, the same day went to Amasya and 21 on June 1919 "Amasya "circular came up to continue to work had been signed landed. But, Mustafa Kemal Pasha and the country's international efforts to Istanbul and Istanbul government and the British forces, not satisfied with the performance for deteeted works. Mustafa Kemal Pasha to Sivas on June 27, 1919 came and compassion and enthusiasm were met with. At the same time as Ali Galip Malatyagoverner instructions from Istanbul to Sivas according recevied ordered the arrest of Mustafa Kemal arrived. meeters But the majority of Anzac, Suvla, Gallipoli wounded fighting under the discharge of soldiers again, Mustafa Kemal's command. While this arrest of Mustafa Kemal to be patriotic to amoungst was possible?
askeri hayati,
atatürkün çocukluğu,
okul yillari
İngilizce Atatürkün Gençliğe Hitabesi
ATATURK's Address to the Youth
Turkish Youth!
Your first duty is to forever preserve and defend Turkish Independence and Turkish Republic.
This is the very foundation of your existence and your future. This foundation is your most precious treasure. In the future, too, there may be malevolent people at home and abroad, who will wish to deprive you of this treasure. If some day you are compelled to defend your independence and your Republic, you will not think about the possibilities and circumstances of the situation you are in. These possibilities and circumstances may be extremely unfavorable. The enemies conspiring against your independence and your Republic may have behind them a victory unprecedented in the annals of the world. It may be that, by violence and ruse, all the fortresses of your beloved fatherland may have been captured, all its shipyards occupied, all its armies dispersed and every corner of the country invaded. And sadder and graver than all these circumstances, those who are in power within the country may be in error or misguide and they may even be traitors. Furthermore, they may identify personal interests with the political designs of the invaders. The country may be impoverished, ruined and exhausted.
Youth of Türkiye's future!
Even in such circumstances, it is your duty to save Turkish Independence and Republic.
You will find the strength you need in your noble blood.
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Ankara, October 20, 1927
Turkish Youth!
Your first duty is to forever preserve and defend Turkish Independence and Turkish Republic.
This is the very foundation of your existence and your future. This foundation is your most precious treasure. In the future, too, there may be malevolent people at home and abroad, who will wish to deprive you of this treasure. If some day you are compelled to defend your independence and your Republic, you will not think about the possibilities and circumstances of the situation you are in. These possibilities and circumstances may be extremely unfavorable. The enemies conspiring against your independence and your Republic may have behind them a victory unprecedented in the annals of the world. It may be that, by violence and ruse, all the fortresses of your beloved fatherland may have been captured, all its shipyards occupied, all its armies dispersed and every corner of the country invaded. And sadder and graver than all these circumstances, those who are in power within the country may be in error or misguide and they may even be traitors. Furthermore, they may identify personal interests with the political designs of the invaders. The country may be impoverished, ruined and exhausted.
Youth of Türkiye's future!
Even in such circumstances, it is your duty to save Turkish Independence and Republic.
You will find the strength you need in your noble blood.
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Ankara, October 20, 1927
17 Kasım 2009 Salı
Aile Bireyleri Ailemizin Üyeleri
Aile Bireyleri
Phil ve ailesiyle tanışın:
Şimdi Phil’in aile ağacına bakın. Aşağıdaki cümleler buna göre
doğruysa True yanlışsa False yazın.

1.Tina is Phil's mum.
2.Jenny is Phil's sister.
3.Thomas is Phil's grandad.
4.Harriet is Phil's grandma.
5.Ian is Phil's brother-in-law.
6.Hannah is Phil's nephew.
7.Mary is also Phil's grandma.
8.Phil is Hannah's uncle.
9.Phil is Thomas and Tina's daughter.
10.Phil is Simon and Harriet's grandson.
11.Phil is Jenny's brother.
12.Robert is Phil's brother.
1. True:Tina is Phil's mum
2. True:Jenny is Phil's sister
3. False:Thomas is Phil's dad
4. True:Harriet is Phil's grandma
5. False:Ian is Phil's grandad
6. False:Hannah is Phil's niece
7. True:Mary is also Phil's grandma
8. True:Phil is Hannah's uncle
9. False:Phil is Thomas and Tina's son
10. True:Phil is Simon and Harriet's grandson
11. True:Phil is Jenny's brother
12. False:Robert is Phil's brother-in-law
Phil ve ailesiyle tanışın:
Şimdi Phil’in aile ağacına bakın. Aşağıdaki cümleler buna göre
doğruysa True yanlışsa False yazın.
1.Tina is Phil's mum.
2.Jenny is Phil's sister.
3.Thomas is Phil's grandad.
4.Harriet is Phil's grandma.
5.Ian is Phil's brother-in-law.
6.Hannah is Phil's nephew.
7.Mary is also Phil's grandma.
8.Phil is Hannah's uncle.
9.Phil is Thomas and Tina's daughter.
10.Phil is Simon and Harriet's grandson.
11.Phil is Jenny's brother.
12.Robert is Phil's brother.
1. True:Tina is Phil's mum
2. True:Jenny is Phil's sister
3. False:Thomas is Phil's dad
4. True:Harriet is Phil's grandma
5. False:Ian is Phil's grandad
6. False:Hannah is Phil's niece
7. True:Mary is also Phil's grandma
8. True:Phil is Hannah's uncle
9. False:Phil is Thomas and Tina's son
10. True:Phil is Simon and Harriet's grandson
11. True:Phil is Jenny's brother
12. False:Robert is Phil's brother-in-law
İngilizce aile ağacı,
soy ağacı
16 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi
Sıklık Zarfları
Adverbs of Frequency (Sıklık zarfları)
Verilen grafikte boşluklarda aşağıdaki sıklık zarflarını kullanın.
seldom often occasionally don’t usually
usually hardly ever sometimes frequently
100% always
0% never
There may be some discussion about what is right or wrong! Your graph
along with percentages should look something like this:
100% always
90% usually
80% frequently
70% often
50% sometimes
30% don’t usually
20% seldom
10% occasionally
5% hardly ever
0% never
Verilen grafikte boşluklarda aşağıdaki sıklık zarflarını kullanın.
seldom often occasionally don’t usually
usually hardly ever sometimes frequently
100% always
0% never
There may be some discussion about what is right or wrong! Your graph
along with percentages should look something like this:
100% always
90% usually
80% frequently
70% often
50% sometimes
30% don’t usually
20% seldom
10% occasionally
5% hardly ever
0% never
adverbs of frequency,
İngilizce siklik zarflari
15 Kasım 2009 Pazar
İlköğretim 7. Sinif Sinav Sorulari
Shirley’s visit to Turkey
Last summer Shirley came to Turkey from the United States. She lived with the Keçeli family in Ankara. The Keçelis have a little house in a small village on the Mediterranean coast. They all stayed in this house in July.
The first day at the summer house, there was a lot of work to do, such as cleaning the house, making the beds, buying food and cooking it. Mr Keçeli and Cem don’t like housework, so they went shopping in the village. Shirley and the two girls cleaned the house. Mrs Keçeli made the beds and after that she cooked a simple meal.
1. Put T (true) or F (false) in the blanks after reading the passage. (24 point)
….. a. Shirley is American.
….. b. There are two people in the Keçeli family.
….. c. The Keçelis have a small house on the north coast of Turkey.
….. d. Shirley stayed in Ankara with The Keçelis in March.
….. e. The first day Mrs Keçeli and the girls did a lot of work at the summer house.
….. f. The first day Mr Keçeli and Cem didn’t go shopping in the village.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs. (24 point)
a. Atatürk ………………. (go) to Samsun in 1919.
b. I …………………….. (go) shopping now. Do you need anything?
c. I never ………………… (eat) carrots. I hate them.
d. ………………. You going ………………. (play) basketball tomorrow?
e. The children ………... …………… (swim) yesterday because the sea ………… (be) very cold.
f. My mother ………………… (buy) me a nice dress yesterday
3. Make a tag questions. (4 point)
a. Ankara is the capital of Turkey , ................?
b. Paris isn’t the capital of Turkey, ...........?
c. You are a student, ...............?
d. There aren’t any cow in the class, ...........?
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (4 point)
a. Today is …………………………..
b. Yesterday …………………………….
c. The day before yesterday was ….………………….
d. Last month ………………………………………….
5. Comlete the sentences with following verbs. (24 point)
get up is have see put on get on wash go
Yesterday, Mr. Keçeli .................... at seven o’clock.He ................... his face and ........... ........his clothes. He ....................... his breakfast. He ....................... the bus at half past seven. He ...................... to his office at eight o’clock. But he didn’t .................... his friend there , because yesterday .................... Sunday.
6. Make sentences using the adjectives below. (20 point)
old tall beautiful good
a. Milk is ...................... ...................... Rakı.
b. Mount Ağrı is …………... ………...... Month Mercan.
c. Hülya Avşar is ……..….. ………....………… ………… Seda Sayan.
d. My grandfather is ………… …………. My father..
7. Answer the questions. (extra 10 point)
1. What is his name? …………………………(Erkan)
2. What is his job ? ………………………….(Öğretmen)
3. Where does he live ?………………………….(Adana)
4. How old is he ? …………………………….(38)
5. What is his phone number ? ……………………………(05355203094)
Shirley’s visit to Turkey
Last summer Shirley came to Turkey from the United States. She lived with the Keçeli family in Ankara. The Keçelis have a little house in a small village on the Mediterranean coast. They all stayed in this house in July.
The first day at the summer house, there was a lot of work to do, such as cleaning the house, making the beds, buying food and cooking it. Mr Keçeli and Cem don’t like housework, so they went shopping in the village. Shirley and the two girls cleaned the house. Mrs Keçeli made the beds and after that she cooked a simple meal.
1. Put T (true) or F (false) in the blanks after reading the passage. (24 point)
….. a. Shirley is American.
….. b. There are two people in the Keçeli family.
….. c. The Keçelis have a small house on the north coast of Turkey.
….. d. Shirley stayed in Ankara with The Keçelis in March.
….. e. The first day Mrs Keçeli and the girls did a lot of work at the summer house.
….. f. The first day Mr Keçeli and Cem didn’t go shopping in the village.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs. (24 point)
a. Atatürk ………………. (go) to Samsun in 1919.
b. I …………………….. (go) shopping now. Do you need anything?
c. I never ………………… (eat) carrots. I hate them.
d. ………………. You going ………………. (play) basketball tomorrow?
e. The children ………... …………… (swim) yesterday because the sea ………… (be) very cold.
f. My mother ………………… (buy) me a nice dress yesterday
3. Make a tag questions. (4 point)
a. Ankara is the capital of Turkey , ................?
b. Paris isn’t the capital of Turkey, ...........?
c. You are a student, ...............?
d. There aren’t any cow in the class, ...........?
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (4 point)
a. Today is …………………………..
b. Yesterday …………………………….
c. The day before yesterday was ….………………….
d. Last month ………………………………………….
5. Comlete the sentences with following verbs. (24 point)
get up is have see put on get on wash go
Yesterday, Mr. Keçeli .................... at seven o’clock.He ................... his face and ........... ........his clothes. He ....................... his breakfast. He ....................... the bus at half past seven. He ...................... to his office at eight o’clock. But he didn’t .................... his friend there , because yesterday .................... Sunday.
6. Make sentences using the adjectives below. (20 point)
old tall beautiful good
a. Milk is ...................... ...................... Rakı.
b. Mount Ağrı is …………... ………...... Month Mercan.
c. Hülya Avşar is ……..….. ………....………… ………… Seda Sayan.
d. My grandfather is ………… …………. My father..
7. Answer the questions. (extra 10 point)
1. What is his name? …………………………(Erkan)
2. What is his job ? ………………………….(Öğretmen)
3. Where does he live ?………………………….(Adana)
4. How old is he ? …………………………….(38)
5. What is his phone number ? ……………………………(05355203094)
7. sinif sbs hazirlik,
ilkokul 7. sinif
Türk Atasözleri Ünlü Deyişler
Turkish proverbs
In this issue, I'm a break from the arduous task of hunting for matches, I'll just give a translation, literally, and literally, where it makes sense or could arise for a paraphrase or interpretation of necessity. Next week I hope to continue in the above manner.
Eşek ölür semeri kalır; insan ölür eseri kalır. The ass dies, its saddle remains; a man dies, his accomplishments remain. (= Nothing but the saddle is left behind; but a man's accomplishments live on.)
Karga kekliği taklit edeyim derken, kendi yürüyüşünü unutmuş. The crow trying to imitate the partridge forgot its own gait.
Söyleyene bakma söyletene bak. Take no notice of the one who voices it; fix your attention on the one who (or, on what) makes him (or, causes him to) say it.
Üzüm üzüme baka baka kararır. Bad character or behaviour is infective (= contagious). (Literal translation: "Grapes blacken (=ripen) vis-a-vis other grapes.")
Adama dayanma ölür; duvara dayanma yıkılır. Do not lean on a man (= be not dependant on another person), for he dies; do not lean against a wall, for it falls down.
Bakmakla usta olunsa köpek kasap olurdu. If skills could be gained just by watching (= looking on), every dog would become a butcher.
Yarım doktor candan, yarım imam dinden eder. (veya, Yarım imam dinden, yarım doktor candan eder.) A half doctor causes you to lose your life; a half imam causes you to lose your faith.
Islanmışın yağmurdan korkusu olmaz. A drenched man fears not the rain.
Ayıpsız dost arayan dostsuz kalır. (Mevlana'dan) He who looks for a friend without (a) fault (=blemish), remains without a friend.
Derdini söylemeyen derman bulamaz. (veya, Derdini saklayan derman bulamaz.) He who does not talk (to his friends) about his problems finds no remedy for them. (He who conceals... cannot find...)
Senin dinin sana, benim dinim bana. To you your religion, and to me my religion. (You follow the dictates of your own faith as I am following mine. I have no use or need for your proselityzing.)
Alçak yerde yatma sel alır, yüksek yerde yatma yel alır. Do not lie on low ground lest flooding might drift you off; do not lie on high ground lest high winds might sweep you off.
Avcı ne kadar hile bilirse, ayı da o kadar yol bilir. No matter how many tricks the hunter knows, that many paths (=means of escape) the bear also knows.
Anasının övdüğü kızla değil, eltisinin övdüğü kızla evlen. Do not marry the girl whose mother brags about; marry the girl whose sister-in-law speaks highly of.
Kel ölür sırma saçlı olur kör ölür badem gözlü olur. (veya, Kör ölür badem gözlü olur, Kel ölür sırma saçlı olur) When a blind man dies, they say he had almond-shaped eyes (judged attractive); when a bald man dies, they say he had golden hair. (A sly reference to an exaggerated praise of the dead or of the past.)
İki gönül bir olunca, samanlık seyran olur. For two hearts united, a barnhouse is a promenade. ("promenade" here is not a place for strolling, but implies "pleasure drawn from visual appreciation")
Bir koltuğa iki karpuz sığmaz. Two watermelons cannot be accommodated in one armpit; One cannot carry two watermelons under
one armpit. This is meant to be a warning against doing more than one thing at a time.
Acı patlıcana kırağı çalmaz. A bitter eggplant is immune to frost. The frost cannot harm a bitter eggplant. This is to say "That person is (usually, I am) tough (and hardened by experience); he is not/cannot be easily harmed; he can easily withstand minor assaults/misfortunes.
Her koyun kendi bacağından asılır. Every sheep is hung (= hooked in the butcher's shop) by its own feet. 1. Every man is the architect of his own fate. Every man is on his own and for his own. 2. I don't have to be altruistic and bear your responsibility. This maybe used (sometimes selfishly) to admonish a demanding person ("you take care of yourself as I will take care of myself") or to give practical or indeed cynical advice.
Gülü seven dikenine katlanır. One who loves roses should endure the thorns. (Some translate this as "will endure"; but I feel the proverb is more of an encouragement and advice than mere observation.)
Bedava sirke baldan tatlıdır. Free vinegar is sweeter than honey. (Emphasis is on the idea, "if it is free of charge")
Sen ağa ben ağa, bu ineği kim sağa. You're a squire, me a squire; whose's going to milk the cow?
Kaz gelecek yerden tavuk esirgenmez. Don't (be silly and) hold on to your chicken if you are to receive a goose in return.
Gökyüzünde düğün var deseler, kadınlar merdiven kurmaya kalkar. If someone said there is a wedding-party in the sky, women would attempt to build a ladder up. (A tongue-in-cheek remark about women showing great interest in wedding-parties.)
Let us finish with a proverb most appropriate for the Holy Month of Ramadan:
Parayla imanın kimde olduğu belli olmaz.
Who knows who possesses money or faith.
In this issue, I'm a break from the arduous task of hunting for matches, I'll just give a translation, literally, and literally, where it makes sense or could arise for a paraphrase or interpretation of necessity. Next week I hope to continue in the above manner.
Eşek ölür semeri kalır; insan ölür eseri kalır. The ass dies, its saddle remains; a man dies, his accomplishments remain. (= Nothing but the saddle is left behind; but a man's accomplishments live on.)
Karga kekliği taklit edeyim derken, kendi yürüyüşünü unutmuş. The crow trying to imitate the partridge forgot its own gait.
Söyleyene bakma söyletene bak. Take no notice of the one who voices it; fix your attention on the one who (or, on what) makes him (or, causes him to) say it.
Üzüm üzüme baka baka kararır. Bad character or behaviour is infective (= contagious). (Literal translation: "Grapes blacken (=ripen) vis-a-vis other grapes.")
Adama dayanma ölür; duvara dayanma yıkılır. Do not lean on a man (= be not dependant on another person), for he dies; do not lean against a wall, for it falls down.
Bakmakla usta olunsa köpek kasap olurdu. If skills could be gained just by watching (= looking on), every dog would become a butcher.
Yarım doktor candan, yarım imam dinden eder. (veya, Yarım imam dinden, yarım doktor candan eder.) A half doctor causes you to lose your life; a half imam causes you to lose your faith.
Islanmışın yağmurdan korkusu olmaz. A drenched man fears not the rain.
Ayıpsız dost arayan dostsuz kalır. (Mevlana'dan) He who looks for a friend without (a) fault (=blemish), remains without a friend.
Derdini söylemeyen derman bulamaz. (veya, Derdini saklayan derman bulamaz.) He who does not talk (to his friends) about his problems finds no remedy for them. (He who conceals... cannot find...)
Senin dinin sana, benim dinim bana. To you your religion, and to me my religion. (You follow the dictates of your own faith as I am following mine. I have no use or need for your proselityzing.)
Alçak yerde yatma sel alır, yüksek yerde yatma yel alır. Do not lie on low ground lest flooding might drift you off; do not lie on high ground lest high winds might sweep you off.
Avcı ne kadar hile bilirse, ayı da o kadar yol bilir. No matter how many tricks the hunter knows, that many paths (=means of escape) the bear also knows.
Anasının övdüğü kızla değil, eltisinin övdüğü kızla evlen. Do not marry the girl whose mother brags about; marry the girl whose sister-in-law speaks highly of.
Kel ölür sırma saçlı olur kör ölür badem gözlü olur. (veya, Kör ölür badem gözlü olur, Kel ölür sırma saçlı olur) When a blind man dies, they say he had almond-shaped eyes (judged attractive); when a bald man dies, they say he had golden hair. (A sly reference to an exaggerated praise of the dead or of the past.)
İki gönül bir olunca, samanlık seyran olur. For two hearts united, a barnhouse is a promenade. ("promenade" here is not a place for strolling, but implies "pleasure drawn from visual appreciation")
Bir koltuğa iki karpuz sığmaz. Two watermelons cannot be accommodated in one armpit; One cannot carry two watermelons under
one armpit. This is meant to be a warning against doing more than one thing at a time.
Acı patlıcana kırağı çalmaz. A bitter eggplant is immune to frost. The frost cannot harm a bitter eggplant. This is to say "That person is (usually, I am) tough (and hardened by experience); he is not/cannot be easily harmed; he can easily withstand minor assaults/misfortunes.
Her koyun kendi bacağından asılır. Every sheep is hung (= hooked in the butcher's shop) by its own feet. 1. Every man is the architect of his own fate. Every man is on his own and for his own. 2. I don't have to be altruistic and bear your responsibility. This maybe used (sometimes selfishly) to admonish a demanding person ("you take care of yourself as I will take care of myself") or to give practical or indeed cynical advice.
Gülü seven dikenine katlanır. One who loves roses should endure the thorns. (Some translate this as "will endure"; but I feel the proverb is more of an encouragement and advice than mere observation.)
Bedava sirke baldan tatlıdır. Free vinegar is sweeter than honey. (Emphasis is on the idea, "if it is free of charge")
Sen ağa ben ağa, bu ineği kim sağa. You're a squire, me a squire; whose's going to milk the cow?
Kaz gelecek yerden tavuk esirgenmez. Don't (be silly and) hold on to your chicken if you are to receive a goose in return.
Gökyüzünde düğün var deseler, kadınlar merdiven kurmaya kalkar. If someone said there is a wedding-party in the sky, women would attempt to build a ladder up. (A tongue-in-cheek remark about women showing great interest in wedding-parties.)
Let us finish with a proverb most appropriate for the Holy Month of Ramadan:
Parayla imanın kimde olduğu belli olmaz.
Who knows who possesses money or faith.
türkçe açiklamali atasözleri,
ünlü sözler
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