27 Ekim 2009 Salı

If Yapıları Şart Cümleleri

Put the verb into the correct form.
1 I didn't know you were in hospital. If ...I’d known... (I/know), .. I would have gone... (I/go) to visit you.
2 Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If..................
(he/miss) it,........... (he/be) late for his interview.
3 It's good that you reminded me about Ann's birthday...........
(I/forget) if.......... (you/not/remind) me.
4 Unfortunately, I didn't have my address book with me when I was in New York. If .....................(I/have) your address, ............... (I/send) you a postcard.
5 A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time?
B: It was OK, but.............. (we/enjoy) it more if............................(the weather/be) better.
6 I took a taxi to the hotel but the traffic was very bad ................
(it/be) quicker if................. (I/walk).
7 I'm not tired. If.............. (I/be) tired, I'd go home now.
8 I wasn't tired last night. If......................(I/be) tired, I would have gone home earlier.

2 he'd missed / he had missed ............. he would have been / he'd have been
3 I would have forgotten / I'd have forgotten ....... you hadn't reminded
4 I'd had /1 had had ........... I'd have sent /1 would have sent
5 we'd have enjoyed / we would have enjoyed ........... the weather had been
6 It would have been ........ I'd walked / I had walked
7 I was /I were
8 I'd been tired /I had been tired

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