BESIDES:Yanısıra, Üstelik,Ek olarak.=Moreover
Besides doing the cooking I look after the garden.
I can’t go now; I am too busy. Besides, My passaport is out of date.
HOWEVER:Ne kadar .........olursa olsun/ancak,ama gibi.
I’ll offer Tom. However, he may not want it.
OTHERWISE:Aksi takdirde.
They must come to class on time.Otherwise they can not attend the exam.
SO: Derece zarfı= O denli, çok
Dolayısıyla, öyleyse, bu nedenle.
Our bags were heavy, so we took a cab.
THEREFORE:Dolayısıyla= SO
The fog was terrible; therefore the flight was cancelled.
STILL/YET: Hala/henüz zaman zarfı. Gene de anlamında cümlenin başında gelir.
Still= nevertheless (öyle olsa bile)
You aren’t rich;still, you could do something to help him.
Yet =in spite of that, nevertheless (gene de , lakin, ancak)
It is bad and expensive; yet people would like to buy.
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