8 Ekim 2009 Perşembe

Faster than the Speed of Sound

Faster than the Speed of Sound
Concorde, the world’s fastest passenger plane, (1)___was developed__(develop) by France and Britain together. In the 1950s, both countries dreamed of having a supersonic plane and the project (2)___________(start) in 1962. £1.5 billion (3)_____________(spend) on developing Concorde and it (4)___ ___________(test) for over 5000 hours, which makes it the most tested plane in history. The first passenger plane (5)__ ____________(introduce) by British Airways and Air France in 1976. Concorde holds many world records, including the fastest crossing of the Atlantic from New York to London, which (6)___ ___________(achieve) in 2 hours 45 seconds! Flying at twice the speed of sound means that the flying time (7)___ ___________(reduce) by half, which is why the Concorde flight between London and New York (8)__ ____________(use).
1. was developed
2. was started
3. was spent
4. was tested
5. was introduced
6. was achieved
7. is reduced
8. is used
PART B: Complete the newspaper report. Put the verbs into the active or passive.

Describe hit call injure believe
Identify not stop kill take steal

A dog (1)__________ and its owner (2)__________ yesterday when they (3)__________ by a car on a pedestrian crossing. The car (4)__________, but it (5)__________ by two witnesses as a red Buick. An ambulance (6)__________ to the scene and the man (7)__________ to the Royal Hospital. Last night his condition (8)__________ as “serious”. The police (9)__________ that the car (10)__________.
1. was killed
2. was injured
3. were hit
4. didn’t stop
5. was identified
6. was called
7. was taken
8. was described
9. believe
10. was stolen
PART C: Write the following questions in the passive.
1. Who killed this man?
2. Why did he paint the walls?
3. When will he water the plants?
4. Is he going to use the gun?
5. Who wrote Great Expectations?
1. Who was this man killed by?
2. Why were the walls painted?
3. When will the plants be watered?
4. Is the gun going to be used?
5. Who was Great Expectations written by?

Active vs. passive.
Directions: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Almost everyone (enjoy)____________________________visiting a zoo. Today zoos are common.
2. The first zoo (establish) around 3500 years ago by an Egyptian queen for her personal enjoyment. Five hundred years later, a Chinese emperor (establish) _________________________a huge zoo to show his power and wealth. Later zoos (establish) _________________________for the purpose of studying animals.
3. Some of the early European zoos were dark holes or dirty cages. People (disgust) _________________________by the bad conditions and the mistreatment of the animals. In the nineteenth century, these early zoos (replace) _________________________by scientific institutions where animals (study) _________________________and (keep) _________________________in good condition. These research centers (become) _________________________the first modern zoos.
4. As early as the 1940s, scientists (understand) that many kinds of wild animals faced extinction. Since that time, zoos (become) _________________________a place to save many endangered species such as the rhinoceros. In the 1980s, the number of rhinos in the world (reduce) _________________________from 10,000 to 400. Some wildlife biologists fear that the species (become) _________________________extinct in the wild in the near future. Some scientists (believe) _________________________that half of the animal species in zoos will be in danger of extinction by the middle of the twenty-first century.
5. Because zoos want to treat animals humanely and encourage breeding, animals (put, now)_________________________in large, natural settings instead of small cages. They (watch)_________________________carefully for any signs of disease and (feed) _________________________a balanced diet. Most zoos (have) _________________________a hospital for animals and specially trained veterinarians.
6. Today food (prepare) _________________________in the zoo kitchen. The food program (design) _________________________to satisfy the animals' particular needs. For example, some snakes (feed)_________________________only once a week, and some birds (feed)_______________several times a day.
7. Today zoo animals (treat) well, and zoo breeding programs are important in the attempt to save many species of wildlife.

1. enjoys
2. was established . . . established . . . were established
3. were disgusted . . . were replaced . . . were studied . . . (were) kept. . . became
4. understood . . . have become . . . was reduced . . . would become . . . believe
5. are now put... are watched ... are fed . . . have
6. is prepared ... is designed ... are fed ... are fed 7. are treated

Progressive tenses in passive.
Directions: Underline the PROGRESSIVE VERB. Then complete the sentence with the correct PASSIVE form.
1. Some people are considering a new plan.
—> A new plan_________________________ .
2. The grandparents are watching the children.
—> The children by their grandparents.
3. Some painters are painting Mr. Rivera's apartment this week.
—> Mr. Rivera's apartment this week.
4. Many of the older people in the neighborhood were growing vegetables.
—> Vegetables by many of the older people in the neighborhood.
5. Eric's cousins are meeting him at the airport this afternoon.
—> Eric by his cousins at the airport this afternoon.
6. I watched while the movers were moving the furniture from my apartment to a truck.
—> I watched while the furniture from my apartment to a truck.

1. Some people are considering a new plan
. ... is being considered
2. The grandparents are watching the children.
... are being watched
3. Some painters are painting Mr. Rivera's apartment this week.
... is being painted
4. Many of the older people in the neighborhood were growing vegetables.
. . . were being grown
5. Eric's cousins are meeting him at the airport this afternoon.
... is being met
6. I watched while the movers were moving the furniture from my apartment to a truck.
. . . was being moved
Progressive tenses in passive.
Directions: Complete the sentences with the correct PASSIVE form.
1. Mr. Rice is teaching our class today.
—> Our class is being taught by Mr. Rice today.
2. Scientists are still discovering new species of plants and animals.
—> New species of plants and animals
3. Everyone looked at the flag while they were singing the national anthem.
—> Everyone looked at the flag while the national anthem
4. Dogs usually wag their tails while people are petting them.
—> Dogs usually wag their tails while they
5. According to one scientific estimate, we are losing 20,000 species of plants and animals each year due to the destruction of rain forests.
—> According to one scientific estimate, 20,000 species of plants and animals
each year due to the destruction of rain forests.
Passive modals.
Directions: Complete the sentences by changing the active modals to PASSIVE MODALS.
1. Someone must send this letter immediately.
This letter must be sent immediately.
2. You can find flowers in almost every part of the world.
Flowers in almost every part of the world.
3. Someone ought to wash these dirty dishes soon.
These dirty dishes soon.
4. People may cook carrots or eat them raw.
Carrots or raw
5. Our air conditioner doesn't work. Someone has to fix it before the hot weather comes.
Our air conditioner before the hot weather comes
6. If the river floods, water might destroy the village.
The village if the river floods.
7. Someone may call off the picnic if it rains.
The picnic if it rains.
8. You must keep medicine out of the reach of children.
Medicine out of the reach of children.
9. You shouldn't pronounce the "b" in "lamb."
The "b" in "lamb" .
10. People should remove coffee stains on cotton immediately with cold water.
Coffee stains on cotton immediately with cold water.
1. must be sent
2. can be found
3. ought to be washed
4. can be cooked or (can be) eaten
5. has to be fixed
6. might be destroyed
7. may be called off
8. must be kept
9. shouldn't be pronounced
10. should be removed
Passive modals.
Directions: Complete the sentences by using the words in the list with the MODALS in parentheses. All of the completions are PASSIVE.
build know teach
divide put off tear down
kill sell write
1. Don't postpone things you need to do. Important work__________________________until the last minute, (should not)
2. Your application letter in ink, not pencil, (must)
3. Dogs to do tricks, (can)
4. Mrs. Papadopolous didn't want her son to go to war because he . (could)
5. My son's class is too big. It into two classes, (ought to)
6. A: Hey, Tony. These bananas are getting too ripe. They today. Reduce the price, (must) B: Right away, Mr. Rice.
7. It takes time to correct an examination that is taken by ten thousand students nationwide. The test results________________________for at least four weeks, (will not)
8. The big bank building on Main Street was severely damaged in the earthquake. The structureis no longer strong or safe. The building______________________. Then a new bank______________________in the same place, (has to, can)

Active vs. passive.
Directions: Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses; use ACTIVE or PASSIVE.
1. Flowers (love) ______________________throughout the world. Their beauty (bring)______________________joy to people's lives. Flowers (use, often) ______________________to decorate homes or tables in restaurants. Public
gardens (can find) ______________________in almost every country in the world.
2. Around 250,000 different kinds of flowers (exist) ______________________in the world. The majority of these species (can find) ______________________only in the tropics. Nontropical areas (have) ______________________many fewer kinds
of flowering plants than tropical regions.
3. Flowers may spread from their native region to other similar regions. Sometimes seeds (carry) _____________________by birds or animals. The wind also (carry) ______________________some seeds. In many cases throughout history,
flowering plants (introduce) ______________________into new areas by humans.
4. Flowers (appreciate) ______________________mostly for their beauty, but they can also be a source of food. For example, honey (make) ______________________ from the nectar which (gather) ______________________from flowers by bees.
And some flower buds (eat) ______________________as food; for example, broccoli and cauliflower are actually flower buds.
5. Some very expensive perfumes (make)________________________________from the petals of flowers. Most perfumes today, however, (come, not)__________________________________ from natural fragrances. Instead, they are synthethic; they (make)_________________________ from chemicals in a laboratory.
6. Some kinds of flowers (may plant)__________________________________in pots and (grow) __________________________________indoors. Most flowers, however, (survive)__________________________________best outdoors in their usual environment.
1. are loved . . . brings . . . are often used . . . can be found
2. exist . . . can be found . . . have
3. are carried . . . carries . . . have been introduced
4. are appreciated ... is made ... is gathered ... are eaten
5. are made ... do not come . . . are made
6. may be planted . . . (may be) grown . . . survive

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