12 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi

In case ile kullanılan zamanlar

Tenses used with IN CASE

Main Clause In Case Subordinate Clause
Future(will or going to)
Simple Present
Present Continuous
Present Perfect In Case Simple Present
Can, can't
Would(used to)
Past Tense
Past Perfect In Case Past Tense
Past Perfect
Could ,couldn't

(Note : There's a sequence of tense in "in case")

Some students are carrying lots of pencils in case they need them.
I have taken my dictionary in case I can need it.
I had a glass of water by my bed in case I got thirsty.

• We may use "should" in both present and past forms. It only indicates a weak possibility.
He would always take his umbrella in case it should rain.
I want to give you my phone number in case you should need me.

• We may express "in case" with some other expressions such as because, for fear that... etc:

I always put some money aside in case I need it urgently.
I always put some money aside because I may need it urgently.
I always put some money aside for fear that I may need it urgently.

In case of + a noun=In the event of

In case of emergency , you can call this number.
In the event of panic, call me.

7) Otherwise/or (else)

Tom always eats breakfast. Otherwise he gets hungry.(=If he doesn't eat breakfast...)
Tom always eats breakfast, or(else) he gets hungry.

8) and

Stay at home for two days, and you'll feel better.
(=If you stay at home for two days, you'll feel better.)

9) But

I would visit you, but I don't know your address.
(=I would visit you if I knew your address.)

I would have phoned you, but I didn't know you were ill.
(=I would have phoned you if I had known you were ill.)

10) But for

We use "but for" for type-2 and type-3

My husband pays the fees, but for that I wouldn't be here for a while.
My husband paid the fees, but for that I wouldn't have been there.
But for your help, I wouldn't pass the exam.
I passed the exam. But for your help, I wouldn't have passed it.

11) Without

Without his generous contributions, we could never have held the the Charity Ball.
(=If he hadn't contributed generously...)
I can't possibly finish this job without any help.
(=I can't possibly finish this job if I don't get any help.)

12) Omission of if

"if" is sometimes left out in conversational style .

You touch me again , I'll kick your teeth in . (=If you touch again ... )

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